NRL CEO Andrew Abdo has released a statement in the wake of Roosters prop Spencer Leniu being handed an eight-game ban by the NRL judiciary for a racist slur against Bronco Ezra Mam in Round 1 in Las Vegas.

"Racism and vilification have no place in modern society and will not be tolerated in Rugby League," Mr Abdo said.

"Since 1908, when working class Rugby League communities broke away to demand a fair go, this sport has been about bringing people together.

"Our game takes pride in being inclusive and in driving social change. The events of last week go against everything the game is built on.

"We all take great pride in the game’s strong links to Indigenous culture, its representation of Indigenous and Pacific Islander players and its ability to meld communities together. As a migrant to Australia, the rugby league community made my family and I feel welcome in this country.

"Tonight, the NRL Judiciary has independently confirmed an eight-match suspension.

"Naturally, the shock of this event caused an outpouring of emotion. We must always call out bad behaviour when we see it, it’s important everyone involved in Rugby League respects the independent judicial processes that are set up precisely for dealing with matters of this nature.

"I have spoken to Ezra to commend him for speaking up and taking a stand. It has been warming to see the game rally around him during this time and his well-being now is important.

"I also acknowledge Spencer Leniu’s genuine remorse and apology and ask everyone to consider his wellbeing after a testing time in his young career. We are human beings and we make mistakes. That is how we all learn and grow.

"The penalty applied tonight underscores the zero tolerance rugby league has for racism. From this sad event some important lessons can be learned.

"We will work with the players and the RLPA to continue to deliver important awareness and education programs and ensure Rugby league continues to be the greatest game for all."